Correct setting 913 Driver

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By Gary G

  • 7 Replies
  1. I generally hit a fade with the driver and just put your 913 D in my bag. What setting would you suggest for me?

  2. richard f

    richard f

    Your best off going to a range and trying the different settings yourself , till you find one your happy with
  3. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    Are you right handed? If so, I would suggest starting at A1 and then adjust as required.

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  4. Dwayne N

    Dwayne N
    Island, KY

    Do want to continue hitting fade or is a different ball flight your desire. The chart Barry displayed will greatly help understand the hostel settings
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Barry and Richard have given you good directions. Personally, I would start at D4 adding a little loft on the D3. It appears that you were not fitted for this club and purchased it off the rack. A fitter could resolve your issue much quicker.
  6. I have a Titleist 913 D2 driver and have no clue how to adjust it to my swing. Right handed golfer and I tend to slice most trips to tee box. Have slowed club speed, moved ball forward in stance, and broke myself from pushing. Any thoughts or tips?
  7. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Well, our advice is free and worth every penny. The driver settings can only tweak the flight. An outright slice is an open face to your club path. Even a face square with the ball will be open to the path with an out to in swing.
    The driver can’t fix the slice. A slice needs a professional to help you with making an adjustment.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Don O said:

    Well, our advice is free and worth every penny. The driver settings can only tweak the flight. An outright slice is an open face to your club path. Even a face square with the ball will be open to the path with an out to in swing.
    The driver can’t fix the slice. A slice needs a professional to help you with making an adjustment.

    Good call, Don. Please go see a PGA teaching pro. Only way to get rid of that slice. You have one of the best older models that Titleist made. They can teach you how to use it properly. Take Don's advice, as he said, the advice is FREE and I truly believe it will work for you. At 77, it go see my pro to get my game tweaked on occasions.

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