April 27, 2015 At 09:58 PM By Dwayne N
Dwayne NIsland, KY
Hey how important is golf ball balancing for flight and Putts? And are Titleist balls balanced and true from the factory?
SpudstarchWalnut Creek, CA
April 27, 2015 At 09:58 PM
Hi Dwayne,
Balance is HUGE. Consider a ball that has a center of mass significantly off center. That would mean at a some points during rotation, the golf ball is trying to move backwards. That is a horribly inefficient transfer of energy. When you get your tires rotated you also need to have them balanced. If not, you would lose some gas mileage on your car.
As for putting, the next time you have some mud on the side of your ball, don't clean it and see how the ball turns towards it.
I don't exactly cut open balls or float them in salt solutions to inspect the quality control, but consider that you can purchase X-out and Practice balls from Titleist. This would mean that they have high enough standards to spot defects in performance.
MarkTheSharkCorpus Christi, TX
Wow, Spudstarch i never knew that about golf balls, That is very very interesting.
Spudstarch replied to Re: Golf Ball Balancing ? in Golf Balls. Dwayne N Hey how important is golf ball balancing for flight and Putts? And are Titleist balls balanced and true from the factory? Hi Dwayne, Balance is HUGE. Consider a ball that has a center of mass significantly off center. That would mean at a some points during rotation, the golf ball is trying to move backwards. That is a horribly inefficient transfer of energy. When you get your tires rotated you also need to have them balanced. If not, you would lose some gas mileage on your car. As for putting, the next time you have some mud on the side of your ball, don't clean it and see how the ball turns towards it. I don't exactly cut open balls or float them in salt solutions to inspect the quality control, but consider that you can purchase X-out and Practice balls from Titleist. This would mean that they have high enough standards to spot defects in performance. You were sent this email because you opted to receive email notifications when someone responded to this forum thread. View and reply online or reply to this email. To unsubscribe from this thread, disable notifications here. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please delete the material from any computer.
Dwayne N Hey how important is golf ball balancing for flight and Putts? And are Titleist balls balanced and true from the factory?
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