By Chip G

  • 8 Replies
  1. What is the best golf ball for a beginning 8 year old boy?

  2. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    I'm not sure about it being the best, but I recommend the DT Tru Soft. It gets up in the air easy, is very good around & on the greens and the price point is easy on the budget.
  3. DT Tru Soft because they are easy to compress, very soft, and not very expensive because at 8 years old there is no reason to buy expensive golf balls.
  4. Thanks
  5. DV


    Hey Chip,

    For an 8 year old you do not need a special ball at their age. Most golf courses will have a barrel full of old golf balls they have found on their course and they have cleaned. You usually can pick these bargain balls up for a dollar (or less) a ball. Not until they can develop their game to the point they are breaking 100 (for 18 holes) reguarly would you consider switxhing to a premium ball.

  6. Jay H

    Jay H
    Lexington, SC

    I agree with Barry. Might check out Velocity too. With the DT Tru Soft, you can get them in yellow. My kids loved having colored golf balls when they got started.

    Have fun out there!
  7. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Trusoft , good ball.
  8. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    My son is seven and is a very good player.
    He insists on playing NXT Tours or DT Solos....Loves his Titleists.
    But...I think the Duo is a fantastic ball for lower speed swings.
    It's 29 Compression and really affordable and a solid ball.

    What is Titleist Closest ball to the Duo????

    Dr. K

  9. MMHarmon32

    St Louis, MO


    Chip G said:

    What is the best golf ball for a beginning 8 year old boy?

    I agree that the DT TruSoft is a great place to start. Softer, better lift and distance for him. Another way to look is maybe the Pinnacle SOFT. For the price, I don't think you can do better than TruSoft, though, and kids DO love playing with the yellow golf balls.

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