Pro V1 vs Pro V1x

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By VinceMarraGolf

  • 4 Replies
  1. VinceMarraGolf

    Barrie, ON

    Looking for some advice from anyone who's played both or has constructive insight. I have played the Pro V1 for a long time as I always found the Pro V1x softer, but see the Pro V1x has a higher ball flight.

    I never liked a super high flight but given that I have a 105 swing speed with my driver, I'm wondering if the Pro V1x may be better for distance given the higher launch.

    Any advice appreciated


  2. SAVS

    Dorset, UK

    The ProV1’s have a 90 compression and the ProV1x’s have a 100 compression, so the 1x should be a better distance ball in theory.

  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    This is a tough question without knowing what your current setup has for effective launch angle and spin. The mechanical "iron mike" hitting the ball with consistency will find a higher ball flight with the X than with the V but the roll-out will come close to canceling the advantage of the X due to its steeper descent angle. Unfortunately for us humans, our attack angle and our tendency to hit higher or lower on the club face will impact the amount of spin. With 2017 versions, both the V and the X offer equivalent lengths, all else equal. I was very much surprised that I got the soft feel of the V w/o giving up much if any distance from the X. My local premier fitting site will be doing a ball fitting with me next week as part of a spring tuneup (work on fixing all the bad habits I let sneak in over the winter) to see which performs better with driver, 6 iron and wedge. Even without a fitting, you can try both to see which launches into your "preferred window" and gives you the short game you expect. Never ceases to amaze me how 2 balls that feel so different can be so close in distance. ...Magic.
  4. BirdieBarty

    The Netherlands

    Hi VinceMarraGolf,
    Best way is to visit your local Titleist dealer or ask your pro shop to see if there are any ball fittings in your area.
    This way Titleist will fit you into the right ball. Apart from the "compression" the guys talk about. You want to know which ball suits your swing, launch angle, spin rate and many more.
    The ball fitting take usually about 1 hour to 1.5 hour. Depending on the onces you want to try out. Apart from the Pro V1 series the new AVX is also a nice competitor who is getting more and more populair on tour too.

    Happy swings,

  5. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Buy a sleeve of both and hit the short game area, putting green included.... Work backwards!

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