T200 back badge wear

Follow Thread

By Chad O

  • 28 Replies
  1. Dennis B

    Dennis B
    New Lowell, ON

    I haven’t seen that before, but heard the 2021 had some wear issues.
    I now put covers on mine. Best to keep them covered and keeping them looking like new for a long time
  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Be careful what you use to clean them with. Strong chemical cleaners and abrasive wire brushes will create this kind of damage as will long trips in a car where they are laying against a rough surface while the car is creating vibrations.
  3. Yeah, when I cleaned them it was a soft (nylon) brush with just dish soap and water. It's obviously not affecting playability, and I'm not too worried about bag chatter. Just didn't think this would happen with this generation of t200s. My season will be over in a few weeks so I'll take it back to the shop and see if they send it back to Titleist or not.

    Both the 200s and 150s are awesome though (78% GIR last round) and I'll gladly take some wear like this for this feel and dispersion. Love fall golf, especially with new sticks!
  4. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I'm having something similar happen to my T350 backing on the 7 iron. I'm not seeing it on the other irons. I could actually scrape the surface with my fingernail and more will come off. I know it's more an aesthetic issue. I mainly walk and carry my bag. I'm more concerned that the backing will delaminate which would be a huge deal
  5. Military
    Now I’m starting to be concerned about my new t350s as I have seen many comments and pictures of the back plate falling off. Is it because water and moisture gets in behind the back plate causing the rust and the plate becomes loose as it still should not happen.
  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Mine came off on the pitching wedge. Rust was not an issue but it appeared to have a minimal amount of epoxy holding it on. There are two holes on the back of the iron where epoxy would firmly hold the plate but my plate looked like it only had a small amount of epoxy towards the hosel. It was an easy fix for me to glue back with proper amounts in the correct location. I noticed the gap wedge, while not separated yet, had a very loose sound when tapping the back so I popped it off and added glue before it came loose on its own somewhere that I might not be able to find it. I would caution anyone soaking their T200 or T350 irons in a bucket of water, the lack of epoxy and the holes behind the backplate could cause water to enter the head and create other issues like excessive weight or eventual rust. Also, tap the backplate occasionally and check if it sounds loose where you can easily fix it before it comes off during a shot and you can't find it. This in no way discourages me from enjoying the performance of my T350's, I still love them.
  7. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    First off, do not ever soak your clubs in water. Modern clubs are 2 piece or more, and water can sometimes get in and do damage.
    Second, make sure you let Titleist know so they have the opportunity to check the adhesive or the application of it for future builds.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Chemicals that are used on the courses can have an effect on the clubs. Important to wipe them clean after each use.
  9. Barry S

    Barry S
    Oakville, ON

    I had the same thing happen on my gap wedge on my new T200.
    Sent it back to titleist to be examined and they
    changed the head under warranty. I thought that they would just change the plate but changed the head.
  10. John K

    John K
    Flushing, NY

    I have the 2023 T200 3 and 4 irons and they also have the same wear. I think it's due to the bag chatter.
    I really really despise iron headcover but I think I need to use the headcover for these 2 irons. :) My 150's are great though.
  11. I purchased a set of T200 irons in Dec 23 and have the same problem. The 9 iron was first then the wedge. Both have been replaced foc but what is the long term fix?
  12. I purchased a set of T200 irons in Dec 24 and already have had the 9 iron and the wedge replaced by Titleist for the same problem. I have tried to get this escalated up h the he ladder at Titleist but await a reply. The way I look at it is the plate is plastic so if I look at the badges on my car then they have a gloss lacquer on them and it does not peel off with the harsh treatment they get. I would suggest that Titleist find a similar lacquer for the back plates as using covers on my irons should not be the fix.
    Can’t seem to find a way of getting a pic onto this post to
  13. Military
    They can call it whatever they want. It’s a cheap piece of plastic that’s glued on the back of the club. Does it look better than the older version yes. Have they been popping off the back of clubs, yes. Confirmed by multiple sellers. Terrible. I’ve already traded mine in and a shame because I liked the clubs. I just felt like I was driving in a car that was in an accident. This issue is nothing new and why hasn't the issue been fixed. Most people have a back up putter or even a back up driver but we all don't have a back up set of irons. Even if I did I would not expect the back plate to come off for such an expensive price for a set of irons. Who wants to wait 2 weeks or longer in the summer for their set to be returned. Using iron covers doesn't fix the issue as I use them, its a quality control issue This was a very expensive lesson learned
  14. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    You raised a concern here in January and still talking about it in May. In the mean time I am continuing to enjoy my T350's and hitting them better than any set I had previously. To each their own. The T200 long irons are in a lot of professional bags. Even Max is playing a T350 long iron. I believe everyone can have their own opinion and preferences and it's okay if you do not like the product but many of us do. Thank you Titleist for making T200 and T350 and all your future offerings.
  15. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I’m with Dale on this. Clubs are simply tools, not jewels for my ego. My T200’s have been the most satisfying irons I have ever owned. Now passing a year and haven’t had an issue, yet. Even if one does work loose, I’ll just epoxy it back on. Certainly won’t stop using it w/o a back plate.
    Since I haven’t seen any complaints that the backing plate has not fallen off, I have no idea what the failure rate is. Since Carlsbad is shipping hundreds of sets every day, the rate may be less than 1%. Not to say when it happens to 1 player, it is 100% for them.

  16. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    I'm a Titleist guy, but not brainwashed. How long can plastic stay glued to metal which is constantly exposed to ground shock plus different temperatures? My brother has T200s and so far 2 have been repaired which is not good. For $1400 irons Titleist fan boys need to stop. This design shouldn't have this many lemons. I'm sure they're working on a new design.
  17. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    My final comment on your brainwashing concern is that almost every brand of clubs has a line of game improvement irons and they all have back badges with brand names. Those are all glued on and have occasional failures too.
  18. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Totally different perspective from one of many who love the T350 and have played it for a year now. I love the look, feel, performance. I am not worried about a few scratches on the backplate as these are tools, not museum pieces. T350 and T200 backplates are successfully working for pros and amateurs alike.
  19. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    I had a set of the first Concept CP-01s that came out several years ago. They had the same paint near the sole that the TMBs had. That started wearing away on my wedge after several months, but it really did not bother me at all. Although expensive, they were worth every penny and I loved them until I went with the CP-03/CP-04 combo set.
  20. I am a long time Titleist guy and play almost a full bag. Currently play T300’s which I love. Been thinking about T350’s but the back plates coming off will force me to wait for the next version and hope the quality is improved. Scratches are one thing, but peeling and the plates coming off is another. Most of us do not have repair shops in our basement to glue pieces back in place nor should we have to continually check to see if the back plates are loose. Worse is to worry one may come off and then hope you can find it. I enjoy reading your many posts Dale and love your passion for titleist but this is a big issue and shouldn’t be minimized. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy my T300’s and look forward to the next release in a couple of years.
  21. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Sorry you feel I am minimizing this issue but the reality is that there have been issues with past releases of clubs from all manufacturers. These issues seem magnified when a handful of posts appear but what is not seen is the thousands of satisfied customers that have no problems. Badges have been coming off the back of clubs for years occasionally on every club brand that uses them. If you look at the current market you will see badges still used by a lot of companies. Most have solid clubs in their lineup but their game improvement clubs all use glued on badges. I still believe Titleist R&D is the best in the industry and does a great job of design for maintainability and testing prior to new release. Maybe it’s my aerospace engineering background and knowledge of tracking aircraft reliability and maintainability issues that allows me to understand six-sigma quality expectations and not expect perfection.
  22. Bill F

    Bill F
    Grayslake, IL

    Speaking of the back plates, mine came off my t350 7 iron the other day while hitting balls. Nowhere to be found. I emailed Titleist customer service and they sent me to where I bought them (PGA TOUR Superstore for fitting and purchase). I just got them in March so not real pleased, but I can still use the club. Here’s hoping I can get it taken care of. I was not overly pleased with the Titleist response. For 1400.00 I would expect more.
  23. Paul D

    Paul D

    This thread is very helpful. I have a new T150 (6-PW) build in transit... and I had considered topping off my set with T200 4 & 5... but quality concerns have made the decision for me. Was teetering on a matching T150 5 iron, and TSR2 21° hybrid... anyways... so thanks to all this feedback, I'm going to go that route.
  24. Scott K

    Scott K

    I have the same thing on mine and I just use a cloth and water to clean my clubs. This weekend I noticed the chrome on my 8 iron is peeling off (T200 2023). I expect more from Titleist as my bag has been all titleist for the past 15 years! I gave the club to PGA Superstore and they are sending it back to Titleist...hopefully they will change the head.....and take a look at what is causing it. (Happened to my T200 2019 9 iron also!)
  25. LingDog



    I picked up a set of new T200s this spring. I’m about 20 rounds in and I’m starting to notice this as well on a few irons.

    Did you get your irons replace and if you did how so? Did you go directly to Titleiest?
  26. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Got about 20 rounds on my new T350/T200 combo set and so far no issues. Yes they are gathering a few dings from bouncing around in the bag, but otherwise holding up well. Clubs take a beating (literally) so I can understand the possibility of the back plate jarring loose. I tend to treat my clubs pretty well so after a round I always wipe them clean and check for any dings, so now I also tap the back plate just to be sure nothing has worked loose.
    As for the finish, keep them away from any cleaning solvents. Even some of the dish soaps out there have harsh chemicals that may damage the finish. Just an idea, but I think Titleist could do us a favor by including cleaning & care recommendations with a purchase, or maybe add something on the website regarding club care.
    Regarding iron head covers, that may not be a bad idea if the finish worries you.
    I wish someone smarter than me (probably most of you) would look into a slotted divider for the top of golf bags, where the iron heads would fit into a slot to keep from banging into each other.
  27. Greg B

    Greg B
    Shelby, NC

    This is exactly why I’m not going to purchase new irons unless I can fit into the T150’s. If not I’ll continue to game my T300’s until the next generation or maybe even purchase another new set of the 300’s. Still like the Titleist product but this should be addressed and fixed. As stated it’s not acceptable for a high price set of irons. I don’t see badge’s flying off the T300’s.
  28. Military
    Well it's sad that this issue is still going on as I have said my peace about it and no regrets about moving on. Now my adventure is heading towards the new GT2 driver as I know they are using a brand new material on the crown so I sure hope there are no issues with the new GT line of drivers

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