Iron sets

Follow Thread

By Phillip H

  • 4 Replies
  1. I’m currently looking to upgrade my irons a little bit. Was wondering if any one could point me in the direction of a good set of 718 MB 3-9. I’ve been looking and they seem to be a little harder to track down than I expected.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

  3. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    Why not a good used set of 620mb, if you do not consider the T100?
    620mb have fantastic reviews.

    I know that there is not a lot changes in MB.
    My preferred was the 680mb but now I am more attracted to T100.

  4. Since there is very little change in the mbs, widen your search to include more versions of the mbs.
  5. Delbert T

    Delbert T
    Washington, DC

    I do like the T100 2021, went with them a couple of years ago - a little more forgiving and feel solid. 680mb's are nice as well

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