Golf Mag. 2025 Club Test

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By John B

  • 3 Replies
  1. I saw the T200 and the T350 irons were covered in this year‘s club test from golf magazine. Kind of curious why these irons that came out a couple of years ago are in the magazine this year. Anybody got any thoughts? Also, they list the T350s as super game improvement. I would not think that is the proper category.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I am glad to see that they do not ignore the Titleist irons in non-release years as they are still available as "new" purchases to people trying to pick up a new set. I agree with you, the categories can be misleading, especially in these days of blended sets. I would say the T400 was a super game improvement iron and the T350 and T200 both could be characterized as just game improvement irons. Fortunately more players these days understand the value of a proper fitting and pay less attention to these stereotypical categories.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The first answer is Titleist doesn’t upgrade yearly. So these are current models.
    On the second question, I agree the T350 should be a game improvement iron. The T400 is a better example of a super game improvement iron.
  4. JYoung


    They are still the latest Titleist irons until the 2025 models come out this summer/fall. T350 is as game improvement as Titleist gets but I still wouldn't put them in super game improvement category.

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