Graduation from the T350

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By Chris G

  • 2 Replies
  1. Military

    So I was fitted for the T350. (FYI I was a 24 handicap when I got fitted). Now I'm a 14 handicap, when do start with the T200/T150? I really like the T350 and is very thankful for dropping my Handicap 10 points in a matter of months, I want to know if there is any benefits I'm leaving on the table by not playing a T200.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The T200 is slightly easier to work the ball left and right than T350. If you feel like you are missing some greens due to not being able to fade or draw the ball, consider making the change. If you are happy with your iron play, there is no real reason to change. If you are headed to single digits and want to improve the feel you get for accuracy, you might want to try the next generation of player irons that will replace the current T100 later this year. As always, consult a fitter and your teaching pro for best results, not us.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    There isn’t a reward to graduate to a next model. It really depends on your ball striking. If you can no longer control how high you hit with a T350, that would be a reason to try another fitting. If you control cuts and draws during a fitting with a T100/150 better than with the T350, that could be a reason. But handicap alone is not a reason to move up from a T350. All depends on the skill you have or are willing to develop to move on.

    Moving a handicap by 10 is dramatic change. Was it irons alone? Better putting? More fairways with driver? If your goal is single digit, probably your next investment would be with a coach to assess your strengths and weaknesses to see where you should invest time and money. Would it be disappointing to spend $1600+ on a set of irons and your handicap didn’t move?

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