What’s on their Bicep?

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By TDial

  • 20 Replies
  1. TDial

    Weldon Spring, MO

    I’ve noticed Justin Thomas & Scottie Scheffler (some others but forget who) are wearing a black stretchable band around their bicep, just under their shirt sleeve. Is there for shot tracking, heart/breathing monitoring, or something else?

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  2. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    It's called a Whoop strap. Rory uses one as well but on his wrist. It's mainly worn on the wrist but you can buy the bicep strap for it. It's health/fitness tracker that will track and monitor all things health/fitness. Won't track shots though.
  3. Bimmer84

    Windaroo Lakes Golf Club

    Rory and JT both invest in WHOOP.
  4. Deno

    New Jersey

    Similar to a headband a bicep band works to collect sweat that is dripping down your arms. The idea being that if this sweat is not collected it will eventually make its way down to your hands.
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    It's a heart rate monitor by WHOOP. Several different brands exist. They track data to makes sure they stay physically stable throughout the round. Analysis after the fact and adjust diet, fluids, etc.
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Professional golfers are using a wristband and armband called WHOOP to track their recovery and sleep.
    The data from the band helps to coach players on how to balance their strain and recovery.
    Whoop also monitors sleep, which is important for repairing muscles after playing golf.
    The app provides advice on the amount of sleep, exercise and rest required to keep a person’s body in prime physical shape.
    Whoop is becoming increasingly popular among professional golfers and the wider community for its health benefits.
  7. Damire80

    traralgon, VIC

    its a whoop band
  8. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    It is a Whoop strap. It's a fitness tracker that actually does a bit more than most and it's nice because it has more wearable options including the bicep strap, and even some clothing options. I was one of the unlucky few who got really sick from Covid and almost died. I started wearing the whoop during my recovery to watch and track some things including respiratory rate. I have grown used to wearing it on my bicep, and am able to share reports etc with my doctors. This led to some changes in my asthma medication and a much deeper understanding of how my body is responding to stress throughout the day (even in a white collar job).

    I have seen more and more athletes including golfers using it.
  9. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    I think Covid affected those who got it in different ways. Glad to see you made it thru Covid.
  10. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    It attacked my blood which totally caught me off-guard. I have never been sick like that in my life! I am thankful and I am blessed. Have decided to live life and not just plan for things in the future...
  11. Ron, great to hear you are feeling better!!!! #moregolf
  12. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    It is a Whoop strap.

    Health monitor.
  13. Deno

    New Jersey

    Wow, Was I way off with a sweat stopper guess..... Too much high tech for me.
  14. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Deno said:

    Wow, Was I way off with a sweat stopper guess..... Too much high tech for me.

    Deno all that new fangled technology keeps us healthy and playing longer. Approaching 77 and my PT has me working out at a senior center two days a week in between playing golf. Anything can prolong the inevitable.
  15. Deno

    New Jersey

    Good for you . All the best there Chuck. !!!
  16. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Much like "My Cousin Vinny", you put up a convincing argument with the sweat stopper comment. :)
  17. Deno

    New Jersey


    Dale V said:

    Much like "My Cousin Vinny", you put up a convincing argument with the sweat stopper comment. :)


    All the "yutes" on tour can sure benefit from modern technology.

  18. Deno,

    Perfect, thanks for the reminder of one of my favorite movies. There is no more ---- I can pile on to this discussion.
  19. Military
    It is called a whoop! Helps track heart rate to help improve body functions during the round. Allows the golfer to focus in during times of stress!
  20. MRoseski

    Palm Harbor, FL

    I used one for 6 months and it was really helpful for me especially in the sleep monitoring. Trying to get back in shape and listen better to my body. I look forward to using it again after my shoulder heals.
  21. Gregory V

    Gregory V
    Tonawanda, NY

    I have one. It tells me that when I drink too much whiskey, my recovery suffers. It tells me when I ride my bike and overdo it, and when I ride my bike and get the exercise just right. It is very helpful for monitoring sleep, exercise and stress on a daily basis.

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