Delay on phantom 11.5 putters

Follow Thread

By Billy L

  • 4 Replies
  1. Billy L

    Billy L
    Rockville Centre, NY

    Hello TT I ordered a 11.5 Phantom in the beginning of June, and Just found out there back ordered till the beginning of august, I’m pretty patient but that seems a little crazy to me. If anyone has a explanation to why there’s such a long delay I would love to here it

  2. There area number of things going on not just in the golf industry but a number of other industries as well. These relate to number of people working in factories has not recovered, COVID protocol's are still in place somewhat which is slowing down the process and lastly amongst a variety of factors the number of people ordering these is skyrocketing. As you can read, no fault of Titleist just the same things going on all over the world as companies work to recover from being partially shut down from COVID.

    I agree it is frustrating however by this time next year things should be back to normal!

  3. Military
    The Champion's Choice putter line released Aug 6, so putters are being made, just not the ones people have ordered and paid for. For most, hearing COVID as an excuse is a bit overplayed. It certainly created bottlenecks in many areas, but when we see new lines of putters being made, it leaves a sour taste in the mouth for us who are waiting for products we've already paid for. I agree with the OP, a legitmate answer would be nice.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Have you checked with the place you ordered the putter from? They should have an order number, can call and get an update for you.
  5. Military

    The place I ordered from uses Acushnet (military base pro shop). Not sure if that makes any difference in getting an order number, but I know I cannot access that site. What I am being told is that the club head is the hold up and there is no expected date of arrival.

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