Custom stamping/engraving

Follow Thread

By Edwin Y

  • 2 Replies
  1. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    hi, i've recently bought AP1, newly added a scotty (finally!)... and vokey would be within next 2 weeks... :) i'm wondering how could i have custom stamping on my clubs? how much would it cost me? i'm in subang jaya. thanks.
  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Edwin Y said:

    hi, i've recently bought AP1, newly added a scotty (finally!)... and vokey would be within next 2 weeks... :) i'm wondering how could i have custom stamping on my clubs? how much would it cost me? i'm in subang jaya. thanks.


    Hi Edwin,


    Great to here about the additions to your bag, be sure to register them all under your Team Titleist account. Unfortunately we do not offer that service after market in South East Asia at the moment. You could try The Old Clubhouse in Bangsar. They are a custom fitter with the ability to do stamping. I hope this helps.



    Titleist South East Asia

  3. Edwin Y

    Edwin Y

    thanks, will visit them soon. all clubs are registered in my profile :)

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