How many strokes have you dropped in one season

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By Wayne R

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  • 13 Replies
  1. I am really looking forward to this season. All new equipment and planning to shoot low.

    I am curious how many strokes you have been able to improve by in one season.

    I hope to move from 18 handicap to under 12.

    What say you am I dreaming?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Dropping from 18 to 12 is much easier than dropping from 12 to single digits. the lower you go, the harder it is to find areas to affect scoring. I am guessing your 18 includes a lot of penalty strokes for OB or hazards. That can be fixed by fixing you "big miss" and course management. First, know your "big miss" and work to correct that shot and also play the course with strategy to allow for that miss not getting you into big trouble. Bogey golf is actually pretty good if you can keep the doubles and triples off the card. Good luck and have a good year. Let us know how it went when December rolls around.
  3. I know that it took some adjusting when I first got my T200 irons. Best of luck in dropping your hdcp!
  4. Hi Wayne:

    I had a cooking externship at cally Gardens back in the '80s, yes, I guess I am old enough to say back in the day. Anyway, I cooked at night and had golfing privileges during the day. Practiced 3 times a week and played 3 times a week. Went from a 12 to a 5 in the span of 5 months, the lowest I have ever been.
    I got close two years ago when I went from a 10 to a 6, not coincidentally after getting a new full bag of Titleist equipment.
    Unfortunately, my putting and short game abandoned me last year and I went back up to a 9.5. Going to spend a few more hours on the short game and hopefully get back down there this year.

    I would say you are not dreaming at all, completely doable. Not that I know your game, but short game and course management can save a lot of strokes. Good luck!
  5. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    The biggest drop in hdcp I had was going from a mid 2 digit hdcp to a 10. Now I hover around a high single to a mid single digit and that pattern hasn't changed much in the last few years.
  6. Certainly easier to drop from a high handicap when your game comes together

    I am currently +1.5 and happy to stay around that level

    I do know once my short game improves my handicap tumbled rapidly
  7. Until I am a beginner, and I hit very rarely, because of this I get quite sick, is this normal for beginners? Because I already want to quit this game :((
  8. Barry B said:

    Until I am a beginner, and I hit very rarely, because of this I get quite sick, is this normal for beginners? Because I already want to quit this game :((

    Keep at it

    The more you put into it the more you will achieve

    Practice with a purpose
  9. Chris J

    Chris J
    NS, Canada

    This past season I went from 15 to 5. Mind you, I used to be a 3-4 10 year ago and then didnt play for a decade, so it was more of an exercise in learning to play again. But I think 6 shots for you is possible, but it will be hard. Get a good coach, put in the work, and dial in that short game!! Go get em!
  10. Alex N

    Alex N

    A few years ago I dropped 4 strokes from an 8 to a 4. I spent 3-5 hours per week just working on short game alone. I was also playing 2 to 4 rounds a week then too. Now I’m busy as a stay-at-home dad and only play once a week so I’m back to an 8. But the course I play all the time is very difficult and narrow so I score like an 8. When I play elsewhere I tend to score really well so I think I’m closer to a 5 or 6 playing level. It’s all about the short game though! If you want to shed those strokes then focus 90% of your time on that short game and watch your scores drop! Have a great season!
  11. Steven Palmer

    Steven Palmer
    Bethesda, MD

    It is definitely doable from where you are, but it really depends on your game. I am naturally a better short game player and terrible off the tee so working on getting in play off the tee and giving myself a chance lowered my handicap by a lot. With that said, most mid to high handicap players struggle with short game…where most of your strokes are. If that sounds more like you, agree with the above comments - get yourself in play off the tee and practice practice practice short game/100 yards and in. You will see a dramatic improvement. Good luck!
  12. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    Very doable. I went from a 15 to 9 and back to 14 all over the course of last year. As my driver and putter go, so do my game. They both abandoned me during the fall along with some chipping yips and my scores went from very respectable to a joke.

    Didn't help they kept lengthening our course, once one of the par 3s got to the point I had to tee off with a 3 wood, I decided to move up. Scores have slowly improved.
  13. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

    Past 2 seasons I was a 12 handicap. After tracking several rounds already this year I’m sitting comfortably at an 8.2.
  14. Christopher W

    Christopher W
    Fresno, CA

    I’m kinda all over the place, two years ago went from a 12 to a 6. Last year I played the most golf I’ve ever played and went from a 6 to a 8. At a 7 currently. 18 to a 12 is very possible. Just get birdies out of your mind. If they come great but approach every hole trying to get a par and avoid doubles or worse at all cost. I play with some scratch and plus handicappers and I ask questions, all say short game is key.

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