
Follow Thread

By Kenny PGA Associate

  • 14 Replies
  1. Kenny PGA Associate

    Kenny PGA Associate

    I'm not asking for much here. Please rake your bunkers after you've hit from them. It's terrible to be playing, catch a bunker and also catch a foot print (twice haha). Let's start a new trend this season.


  2. Kenny said:

    I'm not asking for much here. Please rake your bunkers after you've hit from them. It's terrible to be playing, catch a bunker and also catch a foot print (twice haha). Let's start a new trend this season.


    Isn't that called etiquette
  3. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Yeah, you can add that to the other annoying things like fill in divots, fix ball marks on the putting green and stop dragging your feet on the putting green.
  4. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    My course went through a whole course remodel recently and the green complexes were redone so that there are low lying access points to the bunker with plenty of rakes.

    I tend to see the pattern of unraked bunkers at courses where there isn't an adequate number of rakes for large bunkers. Of course, you'll see the evidence of golfers who don't practice common sense golf etiquette which is too bad.
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    We play at a municipal and that happens rather often. In our men's group, they have a local rule. Lift your ball and rake the sand and place it. Our grounds crew does not have the time to rake the traps every day, so the local rule has been put in place. Then speak to the person who you saw do this with the rake in hand. Just kidding on that statement. Even thought I would like to put it where the sun does not shine. Actually it is called being just down right lazy as my southern granddaddy would say. He was just a kind gentle man for 5'7".
  6. Chuck, we do the same thing in my Sunday morning group. We also play at a muni and there is no reason to be hitting out of someone's footprint.
  7. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    My guess is by asking the TT forum, you probably are not asking the right folks. Most people on here understand, and are very good about raking bunkers and fixing ball marks. Totally agree that its a problem, so much so that I take relief if just playing a casual round by myself.
  8. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Yep, it’s like preaching to the choir here.
  9. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    This has been a long time annoyance around the public courses and there’s been a lot of times that whenever I err in the bunkers, I would be told to lift the ball, rake, and place!! (WOW) that was was in the early 2000.
    Then covid happened- no rakes. They now have rakes but it seems everyone forgot how to use them. LOL :-)
  10. Kenny PGA Associate

    Kenny PGA Associate

    Very True. I just needed a place to rant about it. hahaha
  11. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Unfortunately some people are just lazy, or don't have the capacity to think of the golfers playing behind them. Sad, but true......
  12. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    And I really love it when they climb up the steep front of a bunker and compromise the base instead of walking out the shallow back side, even though that takes a few more steps. Too bad we can't issue a golf license that you must study and pass like a drivers license. Wait, that does not seem to be creating better drivers in CA or AZ from what I am seeing. Never mind.
  13. I completely understand your frustration and agree that it's important for golfers to show consideration for their fellow players and maintain the course. Raking bunkers after hitting from them is not only a common courtesy, but it also helps to preserve the integrity of the course for everyone's enjoyment. So, I hope that all golfers reading this will take your message to heart and make a conscious effort to leave bunkers in good condition for the next player.
  14. Or another solution is don't go in the bunkers then the condition will be of no significance
  15. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I'm sure someone of your elite playing capability can do that, even though tour pros cannot stay out of them. We should all follow your advice.

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