TT get together TPC Deere Run?

Follow Thread

By Curtis M

  • 9 Replies
  1. So I was in talking to the pro yesterday asking about something possibly late October. Rates would be $115 per person. Just throwing this thread out to see how many people would be interested. Maybe someone from TT could chime in and possibly help out a bit? I'll try to check here often to see who's interested but feel free to email me at and let me know. If we can get a few groups I'll go ahead and reserve the tee times next time I am in. Cheers all!!

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Good value for a course used on the Champions Tour.
  3. Don O said:

    Good value for a course used on the Champions Tour.

    PGA Tour plays there, not Champions. Still a great deal. Played it this last weekend.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Right. Forgot Stricker got his 3-peat while still on the full tour.
  5. Don O said:

    Good value for a course used on the Champions Tour.

    I’d be interested.
  6. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    I'd be down!
  7. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I am interested in playing.
  8. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

  9. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    I'm interested, depending on the date.
  10. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO

    I would be interested.

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