Watch: Peter Finch Gets a Tour Fit at the Titleist Performance Institute

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 6 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Now that Peter is officially on board with Team Titleist, he was kind enough to spend the day with us at TPI for a tour-level fitting. Watch the video to see how his day unfolded and what he has in the bag.

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  2. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Great Video! Man that looks like an amazing experience!!
  3. Eric N

    Eric N

    Awesome to see them work through all clubs and settle on something that may not have been expected.
  4. Wow! So very, very awesome!
  5. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    It's really interesting to watch Peter go through the fitting process at TPI. Even though I've been fit by Titleist a few times, including a driver fitting at TPI, seeing the full process carried out gives me a much better understanding of the reasoning behind Titleist's methodology for a fitting. Well done, Peter and Titleist. Play well with the new clubs, Peter.
  6. Kenneth G

    Kenneth G
    Greenfield, WI

    I'm happy that you got the equipment you need. I just wish that us average golfers could get that kind of service. We could use it too, but nobody listens to us...even though we make up most of the golfing world... Good luck Peter!
  7. JESUS D

    Dripping Springs, TX

    I’ve watched this video several times. Love it. I want to do fitting like that one day

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