Bandon Dunes or Pacific Dunes?

Follow Thread

By Thomas G

  • 3 Replies
  1. My family is traveling next summer and will be going through Bandon. I have time for one round while in town with my son. Both Bandon Dunes and Pacific Dunes have open tee times, which would you play? I know Pacific is higher rated but to me there is something about the OG course and the 4 par 3’s on the back at Pacific seems kind of different. Thoughts?

  2. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA

    I have played both a few years ago. I loved both courses and don't think that you could go wrong with either one. If I was forced to pick? I'd probably go with Pacific Dunes, in a coin toss.

  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The only right answer is to play both (in one day) and there is no wrong answer.
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Hard to choose. I would play the original, Bandon Dunes, especially if with your kid. Then plan a return trip and play all of them. There is nothing better than the full experience, playing each course and enjoying the uniqueness of each course, enjoying the food, the whole atmosphere.

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