Greenville, SC

Follow Thread

By OSULakers24

  • 4 Replies
  1. OSULakers24

    Darien, IL

    What course in Greenville is a must? Going for 1 day.

  2. My daughter and grandchildren live in Greenville, so I get down there from time to time. The better courses are generally private and you need to have a member to get you on. The two best courses I’ve come across that are public are the Preserve at Verdae and the Furman University course. They generally stay pretty crowded though. Good luck. Cheers.
  3. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I know this course is about 30 minutes from Greenville but it was worth the drive.

    We played the Clemson University course. It was fun, in solid shape and the campus is very nice.
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I don't know about courses but I think the Haas family has a driving range and practice facility that would fun to see. Might even run into one of the Haas boys.
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    My recommendation would be The Walker course in Clemson, SC. It's 35min drive from Greenville. A must play course.

    Information regarding tee times and rates.

    I have played both the Clemson and Furman Courses and love them. The college campuses there a the two prettiest in the states.

    This link takes you to the top ten courses to play in Greenville.

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