
Follow Thread

By Bradley R

  • 14 Replies
  1. Bradley R

    Bradley R

    Can someone please recommend what Grind’s are best on Vokeys?

    I have used the selector tool on the website, but thought this would be a good place to ask for peoples opinions?

  2. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    The only true way to determine what is best for you is to get a fitting. I, personally, have three wedges, 52, 54 & 60 and each of them has a different grind based on my playing conditions and how I utilize each club for the majority of my rounds.
    A fitting will be worth every penny and your game will improve as a result.
  3. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Andrew A said:

    The only true way to determine what is best for you is to get a fitting. I, personally, have three wedges, 52, 54 & 60 and each of them has a different grind based on my playing conditions and how I utilize each club for the majority of my rounds.
    A fitting will be worth every penny and your game will improve as a result.

    Four wedge setup is 48-54-59-64 with 56-12D and 58-04T. Three wedge setup is 48-56-64 with 56-08M
  4. Brian B

    Brian B
    Southern IL

    A lot of the grind depends on what type of course conditions you play most.
  5. Brian B

    Brian B
    Southern IL

    A lot of the consideration on grinds depends on the conditions of the courses you play on. Pro's will change their grinds from course to course. Back in the day they didnt have all the grind options on clubs so they were trim the grind off a club if they needed for that week.
  6. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    I know everyone is going to tell you to get a fitting. Sometimes that not the most realistic option for everyone. I feel as though you need a versatile grind because there are so many situations out there on the golf course. Only thing I can tell you is that I have had personal success using the M grind. Its a solid grind and shape that can be used in multiple turf situations. Maybe a fitting isn't for everyone, but check around some of your buddies likely have a Vokey in their bag. Mess around and see what you like!
  7. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Eric H said:

    I know everyone is going to tell you to get a fitting. Sometimes that not the most realistic option for everyone. I feel as though you need a versatile grind because there are so many situations out there on the golf course. Only thing I can tell you is that I have had personal success using the M grind. Its a solid grind and shape that can be used in multiple turf situations. Maybe a fitting isn't for everyone, but check around some of your buddies likely have a Vokey in their bag. Mess around and see what you like!

    My 3 wedge setup is 695MB P, SM9 56-08M and Wedgeworks 64W. Four wedge setup replaces the 56-08M with 56-12D bent to 54 and 58-04T bent to 59. I played 58-14K bent to 56 for awhile and it seemed to be pretty versatile. The D grind cuts through thick grass and soft sand and that's where it wins out vs the M grind.
  8. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Update..... went back to a 58-14K bent to 56 for 3 wedges. The shortcoming of M grind is thick grass. D grind plows right through it, as does K, plus I play a little further back on a tight lie.
  9. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Eric H said:

    I know everyone is going to tell you to get a fitting. Sometimes that not the most realistic option for everyone. I feel as though you need a versatile grind because there are so many situations out there on the golf course. Only thing I can tell you is that I have had personal success using the M grind. Its a solid grind and shape that can be used in multiple turf situations. Maybe a fitting isn't for everyone, but check around some of your buddies likely have a Vokey in their bag. Mess around and see what you like!

    M grind is good. And that is what I use for a 3 wedge setup.

    However, a D Grind bent 2* strong has only a couple more degrees of bounce vs M grind. Where it wins out is thick grass and soft sand. Can still hit off firm lies but play back in the stance.

    K grind is actully the "ultimate sand wedge" and what I had been doing for the past couple years is bending a 58-14K to 56. One can hit it off a hard lie but play the "digger" style.

    My 4 wedge setup is 695MB P (48), 56-12D bent to 54, 58-04T bent to 59 and Wedgeworks 64W.

    My style of wedge play is classified "shot maker"; I'll sweep or dig as required.

    During the SM4 era, my setup was 54-11M, 58-06L and 64-07T.
  10. Joseph R

    Joseph R
    Pacific North West

    Hi Bradley, This highly depends on so many factors such as filling in the range of distances of full shots after your 9-iron, the way you strike the ball (digger, sweeper, in-between) as well as your local conditions where you play most of your golf. Back in 2014 I ordered 3 wedges (46 - 52.08 M Grind - 58.08 M Grind bent to 59.09 M grind for versatility without being fitted and over the years of moving locations I now require a new series of wedges. So i booked a fitting session locally and this will definitely answer the questions. The cost of this fitting will go back as credit for a purchase. Getting fitted is a therefore a no-brainer.
  11. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    I have to agree completely with Andrew A. Without a fitting to fully explore the various aspects of the different grinds, there is no means to tell you which grinds will be best for you in each of the wedges you intend to purchase. I have changed grinds over the years, as my game has adapted to the local conditions I encounter, so even though I am comfortable with my current wedges, when it is time to replace them, I will again go through a fitting to be sure I get the right gear.
  12. Dino S

    Dino S
    Dayton, OH

    I will have to agree with both Brian and Andrew that the grinds will depend on the course/conditions you play most. You will want versatility to it is not recommended to have the same grinds on all your wedges. I will have to say doing a virtual golf club consultation is absolutely worth it. Not only is it free but you get a half hour to talk over your game and how you will want to use your wedges. The Titleist staff is awesome and very helpful. I hope this helps.
  13. Manny A

    Manny A
    Staten Island, NY

    It is interesting, when you try to determine grinds for your wedges and mostly everyone has three different grinds in their set up. Very common. And yet when you look at the Titleist players playing Vokeys, some have 3 F grinds and a Wedgeworks T 60 or an M 60. I have three 60s, a L 4 degress of Bounce, an M 8 and a K 14

    Thought I was cool with all these..... Nah... I just use the M grind mostly
  14. John W

    John W
    Lansing, MI

    I like to be as versatile as possible without buying several different of each loft. So I typically go high bounce 54 and lower bounce 60. To me, the .08M is great for a 58/60 degree wedge. Can open it up due to the relief of the M grind while still having some help on the trailing edge if you do happen to dig a bit. Use to play the 60.04L, it can be great off tight lies but it's pretty unforgiving.
  15. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Echoing my fellow TT members comments, there are too many variables at play, to recommend what grind to choose. Playing conditions and the shots you play with a particular loft have a lot to do with grind selection. Getting fit is key.If that's not an option, use the wedge selector tool to give you some idea of what to choose.

    For me,I play a 50-54 and 60 in all different grinds. My 50 is an SM5 F grind;60 is SM5 M grind and my 54 is an SM7 S grind.

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