NCAA D1 Regionals

Follow Thread

By WKilloran

  • 5 Replies
  1. I went to Bermuda Run CC yesterday to watch the first round of regionals. We had a young lady that played at our club through high school sign with Wake Forest, so several of us followed her. There was no cost to attend, and the golf was outstanding. I highly recommend going if you can.

  2. Military
    I think I probably watched the same young lady at the 4A North Carolina state Championship a couple years ago . I think she shot a 57 at the high school regionals
  3. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Looking forward to the NCAA Championships here in Carlsbad!!!
    There are sooo many great young players both men and women headed to La Costa!!!

    Dr. K
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    And so glad to see that the course received a restoration project. So much history at La Costa it deserves to stay relevant.
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    My Lady Vols team did not make the cut to play in the championships, but Junior Bailey Davis finished the NC regional tournament 8-under (208), tied for third place, which qualifies her to compete at the NCAA Championship from May 17-22 in Carlsbad, California. Wishing Bailey the best of luck, Go Vols.

    Post Image
  6. Jay El

    Jay El

    I went to the NCAA D1 finals at La Costa to watch the women strokeplay. They are amazing golfers.

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