chipping and pitching practice....what ball do you use???

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By David A

  • 36 Replies
  1. Brian B

    Brian B
    Kuna, ID

    I keep 3 fairly new prov1x #3. To use for chipping and practice putting. Same ball I play with so know exactly what it will do with each shot. I just hate using brand new ones and scuffing them up.

  2. Gabriel G

    Gabriel G
    Cedar Park, TX


    yes, yes.... use the balls in practice that you will use in play.  You want to know exactly what the ball will do.  How far it will go and how it will check up on the green.

  3. Sam R

    Sam R
    Swindon, Wiltshire

    Like most of you guys I practice with the same type of balls I use in course play - once a ball gets past its best it goes into the practice bag!

  4. Chris M

    Chris M

    Bought some Practice Pro V1x balls which I use for practicing Chipping

    To me this helps having the same feeling while plying on the round

  5. Paul P

    Paul P
    Rochester, NY

    Hi David..I have the same concept for my practice Balls.  I tried using a random selection and really found using the same ball I play regularly ( Pro V1) in practice make a difference.  Besides..I'm a Ball snob..I only use Pro V1, even if I find another ball on the course, I leave it if its not a Titleist .  

  6. Ryan P

    Ryan P
    Erie, PA

    I definitely put my shredded ProVs in the shag bag, but there's also free balls I get from outings, etc. It is a reminder sometimes about the difference in feel between that ball that cost $0.50 versus the good Titleists. I'd say after one more season of play I will have enough used ProVs to get rid of the free (crappy) balls to have a more uniform feel.

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