Best ball for cold temps?

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By Michael W

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  • 28 Replies
  1. Like other players on here when the temperatures drop I will change from my Pro V1 to a Tour Soft, I think the feel of the Tour Soft in cold weather is similar to the Pro V1 in warm weather.
  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Please no need to bring up old (eight year old posts) discussions. Titleist recommends playing with the same golf ball in all conditions for consistency. Just use more club. I play a Prov1 year round. Unfortunately old posts such as these cannot be purged.
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    Southwest Ohio here. I play the Left Dash ProV1x ball and the last couple rounds I feel like the ball played normal. I felt like I didn't lose much distance in the 40 degree weather.
  4. For me a softer ball works better in the winter, the softer ball gives me more control.
  5. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Winter golf for me is all about rhythm and keeping it fun. I save the good balls for spring and use whatever others leave in the woods :)
  6. I played this past weekend in very similar temperature range and i played the 1X (red number) and it performed brilliantly. i also played the pro v1 and it performed just as well. i did seem to notice a slightly different sound and feel with each ball.
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