September 05, 2024 At 09:53 AM By Chuck Z
Dale VSurprise AZ
Edward KWesley Chapel, FL
September 12, 2024 At 01:15 PM
I have a hard time associating the match of 4 people as a PGA versus LIV event. There are players on both tours I like and players on both I do not care to see. Sure, these celebrity and/or pro exposition events help promote golf but it’s still problematic having the fractured multiple tours at the highest level. It definitely dilutes the long term career comparisons across generations. I probably won’t watch.
Chuck ZMt Pleasant, SC
September 13, 2024 At 03:49 PM
Tyler_SCypress, TX
Scott DLethbridge,
DK Northeastern, PA
September 16, 2024 At 01:51 PM
Golf is golf regardless of where it is played or what 3 letters distinguish it. I'll be watching (and rooting against the "LIV" guys.
Frank PPort St. Lucie, FL
Barry MReno, NV
Peter WMaryland
Eric HRidgway, PA
Palmer CAshland, MA
Stephen H
Don OMadison, WI
September 23, 2024 At 09:59 PM
Been a disappointing year for sports for me. I know money talks, but I was deliriously under the illusion that the PGA focus was as charity as a co- beneficiary. I was concerned about college fb coaches getting millions to squeeze as much as possible from “unpaid semi-pro” players. NIL and changing teams close to at will has ruined that illusion of playing for the glory of the school. Haven’t bothered looking for the channel playing the exhibition league and find more things to do when the PGA is on. Haven’t watched a full televised round in months. Haven’t even watched my alma mater for a full game. My wife appreciates the time not glued to these events. Maybe there is a silver lining. Unless, of course, if the Packers start sending me a residual check for watching them….
Steve MHatboro, PA
Brandon LTea, SD
September 24, 2024 At 03:35 PM
3 out of 4 ain't bad. I just can't stand Brooks as he comes off so arrogant. I was happy to see him shoot 80 in an event since he didn't care - i wonder how his TEAMMATES felt about his lackluster performance?
Fred G
Mark FPrescott Valley, AZ
September 25, 2024 At 03:04 PM
What LIV tour, long forgotten
Rob_Roth1San Diego, CA
Robert B
LBCgolfplayerThe LBC
September 05, 2024 At 09:53 AM
Just heard about the next venture involving a match between the PGA and LIV. Scotty and Rory vs Bryson and Brooks in mid December. This should be an interesting match up. Have not seen the format or the odds. What is your take and who are you taking? Think I am leaning towards the PGA side of things. Scotty is just too hot to handle this year and he has a pretty good wingman.
Just heard about the next venture involving a match between the PGA and LIV. Scotty and Rory vs Bryson and Brooks in mid December. This should be an interesting match up. Have not seen the format or the odds. What is your take and who are you taking? Think I am leaning towards the PGA side of things. Scotty is just too hot to handle this year and he has a pretty good wingman.
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