Club Cameron 2021?

Follow Thread

By Paul B

  • 80 Replies
  1. Updated Information on Club Cameron Kits...I just got off the phone with Scotty Cameron Customer Service and they informed me they have been waiting on the money bags that are a part of the Club Cameron Kit and that they just arrived so they will be shipping many of the kits out in the next few days...Hope this info is helpful...
  2. Les M

    Les M

    Thanks for the update Paul!!!
  3. Fred L

    Fred L

    Yes I just received mine late last week and ordered when they were made available...
  4. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I ordered in January and mine arrived yesterday (April 29th). I ended up with the black Hydro Flask
  5. I ordered on 1/7 and I am still waiting so it sounds like I have a lot of company...
  6. Les M

    Les M

    I'm about ready to reverse the charge on my AMEX. At this point, there is no excuse for the delay in shipping these kits out. I have received no communication from SC either. I can get a new titanium hip ordered, installed and finished with PT faster!
    Never again.
  7. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I know this may be a little too late but I was in the same boat as you. Here's my time line:
    Ordered on January 6, 2021. I emailed them on February 16th inquiring on my order status; I received an email response from them that same day saying the wait is 8 to 10 weeks from the time of the order (Jan 6th). I sent another email on April 14th since still have not received the membership pack...I received no response.

    At that point I was ready to give up and then on April 27th I received a notification from Club Cameron that my membership pack shipped and they provided a tracking number. I now have the membership pack and I'm super happy with it. I was looking at a nice hydration vessel and this membership pack had that item.

    I'm not suggesting that you will have the same experience but I'm confident that you will receive the membership pack...I guess it's a matter of how long you're willing to wait.
  8. Les M

    Les M

    Thanks Abdon! I was just venting, and being a big baby. I'm ashamed of my previous post.
    Heck, we all love this game and gear so much we simply can't get enough! I can and will wait, and be thankful for the opportunity to participate!

    Some day playing golf will be a distant memory of when we were able! Making GOOD memories are key!

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