Club Cameron 2021?

Follow Thread

By Paul B

  • 80 Replies
  1. MHusk

    United Kingdom

    I was waiting to join on the first release but they wouldn’t accept shipping to U.K. and still can’t join to this day. Love this years club kit. Hope they get it sorted soon so I can join and grab some sweet covers, tools and cloths

    Anyone get hulas release ?
  2. William Glancy

    William Glancy

    it's funny because for all the disappointment people are showing for this kit, i feel the exact opposite.

    this is the first kit in a long time that's actually useful FOR GOLF. water bottle goes in the bag or cart. cash bag holds tees and ball markers, or whatever else you have loose in the bag usually. you can use the pin as a ball marker if you're so inclined, and the cover is pretty nice.

    i'll likely be buying this one, for the first time ever.
  3. Rick F

    Rick F
    Dedham, MA

    I ordered my kit on 1/5 and it still says submitted. I know it said 6-8 weeks but...

    I even opted for next day air shipping.
  4. Well since I kicked off this particular thread thought I would put in another two cents worth... I signed up on Jan. 5th my order status still says submitted but thanks to the good info of fellow Team Titleist members hopefully it wont be to long before it arrives!
  5. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    I signed up Jan 4. Still no update regarding shipping/tracking. Finally called SC Studio Store to find out what the delay is. They are getting lots of calls from what I can tell from other golf forums. Timing is said to be 4-8 weeks, but I was assured it likely wouldn't take that long. And some lucky members got theirs within a few days of signing up.

    Unfortunately, paying for the expedited shipping option seems sort of a waste of money. Sure, once they ship it will get to you faster, but the slowest offering they have is 2-day service anyway. So after waiting weeks, what different does an extra day make?

    They have thousands of membership orders to fill and evidently, a fairly small staff. So those who weren't lucky enough to get in the first batch of packages shipped, hang in there. I'm not thrilled about it, but it is what it is. Hey, look at the bright side. When the package finally shows up, you will have forgotten you were expecting it. So, it will be a nice surprise.
  6. kaizen10366

    Olympia, WA

    I received my kit. I’ve been joining for 11 years. I’m impressed by the quality of the items in this year’s kit. The cash bag especially; it, and the water bottle went immediately into play.
  7. I signed up last year but not signing up this year. This membership does not cater for those who uses Phantom, Futura mallets putters. What’s the point of having a putter cover which does not fit my putter ?
  8. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    TSek Kee said:

    I signed up last year but not signing up this year. This membership does not cater for those who uses Phantom, Futura mallets putters. What’s the point of having a putter cover which does not fit my putter ?

    You could gift it to someone or sell it, if you're so inclined.
  9. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    TSek Kee said:

    I signed up last year but not signing up this year. This membership does not cater for those who uses Phantom, Futura mallets putters. What’s the point of having a putter cover which does not fit my putter ?

    I signed up on January 6th and I sent an email asking for an order status.

    This is the reply I received:

    "Please allow 8-10 weeks for this item to ship per the description on the website. Our team is working very diligently to get these packaged and shipped as quickly as possible. Some of them have already started to ship, which is way faster than our quoted time on the website. Please look for an email when your item ships with your tracking info and at which point the shipping service you selected will initiate."
  10. Mark G

    Mark G
    Bloomington, IN

    look forward to it!
  11. How many Team Titleist members that signed up for Club Cameron 2021 have actually received their Welcome Kit? I signed up on Jan 5th exactly 4 weeks ago today and it has not arrived yet...My order status still just shows submitted...Beginning to wonder if I might should give them a call...
  12. Got mine within a week or so. Ordered the first day it was available. I think they are having shipping difficulties.
    I placed one order for limited polo, they quickly shipped the wrong shirt. I sent it back immediately, in which they acknowledge receipt. But still have not recieved my polo.
    Spoke with customer service who was aware of similar issues..but still dont have answer as to what they are doing to resolve it. Sounds like several
    People that ordered t shirts were surpised with a nice polo!
    Im in no rush foe the polo (considering we just got 2 feet of snow in Ny) but would like to the status.
  13. JDobkin

    Los Angeles

    I just got my shipping notification today.
  14. 19hole

    Reading, MA

    They say 6-8 weeks to ship the welcome kit. Be patient, it will show up.....
  15. I ordered mine on January 4th, and it was still saying "submitted" on my home page. I emailed them today. Had a response with an hour telling me that shipping is 4-8 weeks. I just wanted to make sure that they did not lose my order. So apparently it is coming in the next 4 weeks.
  16. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    Finally received my member kit yesterday. Took 6 weeks. Hope all you other guys who ordered the first or second day it was offered got yours by now too. Now, where to put my new Scotty sticker. Hmmmm.
    Post Image
  17. Glad to see some of my fellow TT members have received their Scotty Cameron membership kit...Unfortunately I am still waiting...I signed up on the first day and this coming Tuesday (Feb 23rd) will be 7 weeks since I placed my order...Fingers are still crossed, looking forward to its arrival!!
  18. BirdieBarty

    The Netherlands

    Hi #TeamTitleist,
    I'm really disappointed in how #ScottyCameron #TourOnly #putters are treating their members.

    My last order was the 2019 membership, as you can read before in this topic. I wanted to sign up for the 2021 edition. So on January 5th 2021 the signup was open to purchase the 2021 membership.
    Which I did and got confirmation the order is payed and I selected the fasted shipping options. Which I payed more money for. As of today it's 26th February and I still haven't received anything. Also not even a single mail from Scotty Cameron, for example:"Hey SC member, we know it's a long time but your order is on its way we haven't forgotten you" etc.

    At least get in touch with your fellow members. But to me it's sounds like now, cashing a lot of money.
    Personally I think Scotty Cameron, opened the membership 2021 but they didn't expected a huge turn up.

    Again I am dissapointed but also a little upset because I payed 200,- euro's to get it to the Netherlands. As since today nothing nothing nothing. Please Please help, anyone out here sharing the same experience?

  19. Bentron

    Fort Worth, Tx

    Mine still hasn't shipped I ordered in late January, They could at least send out an email letting people know its going to be a while.
  20. Fred L

    Fred L

    I am still waiting as well. Ordered on 01/05/2021. Just spoke with Scotty customer service. The rep said items were back ordered. Will check again next week. Very frustrating...
  21. To add to the discussion...Yesterday marked the 8th week since I placed my order (Jan 5th-the second day you were even able to place your order) and I am still waiting...I emailed them yesterday and got back the very same response word for word that I got a couple of weeks ago when I previously emailed them, must be a prepackaged response to every email inquiry...Saying most kits are taking 8-10 weeks to be fulfilled...Amazing how some people who ordered within a day of each other have received their kits many weeks ago and others are still waiting...Lets CONTINUE to keep our fingers crossed!
  22. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Received this from Club Cameron ENews:]
  23. SJW PM

    SJW PM

    Similar tp many other comments on here I am very frustrated with the Scotty Cameron 2021 delay in shipping and correspondence from Scotty. This is the first time I have purchased a membership and will probably be the last. I received an email update on Friday (3/5) which noted the following but did not provide a confirmed ship date. I ordered this on 1/5/21; this is a bit crazy to wait this long - and not to mention they charge you right away!

    There’s nothing quite like the expectation of receiving new gear. And, we appreciate how long you have waited to receive this year’s Club Cameron membership welcome kit. The entire Scotty Cameron team is working diligently to make sure you get yours as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to the unprecedented impact that the worldwide pandemic has had on our supply chain, fulfillment partners and shipping carriers, our lead times are taking significantly longer than originally anticipated. We appreciate your patience as we work to get your Club Cameron kit to you. For any further information, please call our customer service department at (800) 214-0213. Thank you again for your continued patience, support and membership.
  24. Les M

    Les M

    Are the kits being shipped? Anyone gotten theirs recently?
  25. Hi Les...In answer to your questions...I am STILL waiting on my kit...It has now been over 12 weeks since I signed up...A little over two weeks ago I actually started getting concerned they had lost my order or had somehow gotten overlooked so I gave them a call...I talked to a very nice person he said they were suppose to start sending out more kits in the next couple of weeks...well its been over two weeks and still nothing...The gentleman asked me if I would like a refund and I told him no that I was excited to join for the first time and I would just like my kit...If any Team Titleist members have any updated info would you please pass it along...
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