Scotty Forgivness

Follow Thread

By Fred G

  • 29 Replies
  1. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    I want to share that a S.A.M. putting lab experience was really helpful for me. I had a tendency to pull 3' putts and miss the entire hole, which is not good for the psyche! The result from the lab and golf professional showed me that, while my setup was well-aligned, my forward press would often close the face a few degrees, thus I had the putter facing left at impact. A bit of practice, a slight set up change, and no more misses. I also found the Pelz 'Putting Tutor' to be quite valuable after I got through the phase of having to fetch the ball bearing to replace before my next stroke!

    Recently, I wanted to have the professional evaluate me as I had started to miss right, and he showed me a bit of what was happening. I have some slightly different adjustments to make, but they are minor compared to correcting the forward press (that took some time, believe it or not!).
  2. As stated by several contributors, the key is to be fitted. I think you will find that mallet is more forgiving. The key is to have confidence in whatever putter you have in your hand. Or you can be like me, and change putters when the one you have doesn't seem to be working. Full disclosure, I consider myself a reasonably good putter and average between 28-30 putts per round. I have a couple Scottys , and if I feel one is not working, I will try something else. I also spend an awful lot of time on the practice green. I am not a long hitter, so I need to be good putter.
  3. Before you do anything, try moving the ball back a bit. I’ ll pull putts if the ball is too far forward regardless of what putter I’m using.
  4. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I've got 3 Scottys; 2 mallets (GoLo center shaft and a heel shaft J.A.T prototype )and a blade (Newport 2 center shaft prototype).The blade is slightly less forgiving, especially long range.The GoLo is my gamer ;I like the look of the center shaft at address,but occasionally I'll go back to the blade, particularly if I'm playing a course with fast greens.
  5. I’ve be n playing my Scotty Studio Style for over 18years. It’s never let me down and is in new condition. I cannot see changing but if I did it would be a Phantom 5.2 or 7.2.

    Tillsonburg, ON

    I have a Newport 2+ that's 33" and I was missing everything left. I also have a Phantom 9.5 that's 34". I seem to putt better with the Phantom and I think it's a combo of having the right length and the mallet head. I don't see the Phantom leaving the bag anytime soon. Bottom line make sure the specs are right for you.
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