January 09, 2025 At 11:17 AM By Mike D., Titleist Staff
Josh JSanta Fe, NM
Scott P
Edward KWesley Chapel, FL
Jim SEast Point, GA
Robert M
William B
Alex NFlorida
Bob M
Pro VGolf Course
Colby V
January 09, 2025 At 11:17 AM
We're getting closer to launch time and I don't know about all of you, but I can't wait. And like many of you, I've had the chance to test some of the prototypes and then put the white boxes in play, so I have a pretty good idea of which ball I'll be teeing up in 2025. So let's hear from all of you in the quick poll below. Let us know which model you're excited to tee up in 2025.
We're getting closer to launch time and I don't know about all of you, but I can't wait. And like many of you, I've had the chance to test some of the prototypes and then put the white boxes in play, so I have a pretty good idea of which ball I'll be teeing up in 2025.
So let's hear from all of you in the quick poll below. Let us know which model you're excited to tee up in 2025.
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